Scott - Henry Scott (1911 - 2005)
Henry Scott (1911 - 2005). Specializing in ship portraits set within realistic atmospheres, Henry Scott offers historic champions of sail in his art. During his career he made the acquaintance of many 19th & early 20th century sailing captains. Earning their respect as well as developing an appreciative commercial art audience, Scott was made an honorary member of the International Association of Master Mariners. This group is often referred to as ???the Cape Horners???. Scott exhibited with the Royal Society of Marine Artist from 1950 to 1966. Many of his works, while depicting majestic sailing ships, features geographically recognizable locations. Comparisons between Scott and his most noted contemporary, Montague Dawson, are easy to make: excellent detail and accuracy bended into the romantic senses of speed, movement and light which make their works rise above that of many others. Noted as an artist who, during his career, continued to explore the oceans and visualize the reality of the era???s passing, he assists the capture of the romantic essence of nautical history. Scott's works are today sought after for their strong artistic merit and historical appeal. His paintings are executed with particular care taken in the creation of a strong sense of movement and attention to the elusive elements of marine atmosphere.